Discover solutions that go beyond Field Management

IClass FS is a field management software solution that transforms the way companies handle their field operations. With it, you can effectively manage all operational team activities, including work orders, calls, deliveries and maintenance. IClass is a comprehensive tool that allows you to optimize and simplify every aspect of field management.

One of the most notable features of the IClass FS is the visibility it provides. Technicians and employees have easy access to crucial information, such as materials used, equipment used and even photos related to the tasks. This transparency is essential for efficient operations and ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Another crucial advantage is the ability to integrate with business management systems. This means that IClass FS fits perfectly into your company’s existing operations, providing a smooth and seamless transition. It becomes a natural extension of your management system.


Paineis Indicadores e Mapasp 2 Solutions

Pannels, Indicators and Maps

The system provides indicators and team views in real time on panels and maps, throughout the service cycle of scheduled services.​

Modulo Mobile Solutions

Mobile Module

The mobile module eliminates the need for your external team to fulfill a work order using paper or a spreadsheet.

formularios 258x300 Solutions

Custom Forms

IClass FS understands the different operational needs of each company, which is why service order forms are flexible and parameterized.

Plano de Manutencao e Servicos Recorrentes Solutions

Maintenance Plan and Recurring Services

Many operations require software that manages maintenance plans or recurring services in a truly automatic way.

Controle de Estoque Ativos e Frotas Solutions

Inventory, Asset and Fleet Control

The IClass FS stock and inventory control module automates all  tracking of what is being installed or has been spent by the field team.

roteirizador online Solutions


Our solution allows you to schedule deliveries intelligently and provides customers with an online and managerial view of all deliveries.

Inteligencia no Agendamento e Rotas Otimizadas Solutions

Intelligence in

With Scheduling Intelligence, IClass FS displays qualified professionals for each task at the time of scheduling, according to the role and location of each technician.

previsibilidade Solutions

of Services

The assessment between the demand for services and the workforce available in the company is one of the biggest difficulties in the operational area.

comunicacao com o cliente Solutions

with the client

With IClass FS, communication with customers is improved, resulting in higher quality services, in addition to increasing customer satisfaction and consequent loyalty.

gestao de contratos Solutions

Contract and SLA

IClass FS manages contracts and service SLAs intelligently, through flexible scheduling according to the type of service and service areas.

Paineis Indicadores e Mapasp 2 Solutions

Pannels, Indicators
and Maps

The system provides indicators and team views in real time on panels and maps, throughout the service cycle of scheduled services.​

Modulo Mobile Solutions


The mobile module eliminates the need for your external team to fulfill a work order using paper or a spreadsheet.

formularios 258x300 Solutions


IClass FS understands the different operational needs of each company, which is why service order forms are flexible and parameterized.

Plano de Manutencao e Servicos Recorrentes Solutions

Maintance Plan and Recurring Services

Many operations require software that manages maintenance plans or recurring services in a truly automatic way.

Controle de Estoque Ativos e Frotas Solutions

Inventory, Asset and 
Fleet Control

The IClass FS stock and inventory control module automates all  tracking of what is being installed or has been spent by the field team.

roteirizador online Solutions


Our solution allows you to schedule deliveries intelligently and provides customers with an online and managerial view of all deliveries.

Inteligencia no Agendamento e Rotas Otimizadas Solutions

Intelligence in Programming

With Scheduling Intelligence, IClass FS displays qualified professionals for each task at the time of scheduling, according to the role and location of each technician.

previsibilidade Solutions

Predictability of Services

The assessment between the demand for services and the workforce available in the company is one of the biggest difficulties in the operational area.

comunicacao com o cliente Solutions

Communication with the Client

With IClass FS, communication with customers is improved, resulting in higher quality services, in addition to increasing customer satisfaction and consequent loyalty.

gestao de contratos Solutions

Contract and SLA

IClass FS manages contracts and service SLAs intelligently, through flexible scheduling according to the type of service and service areas.

Paineis Indicadores e Mapasp 2 Solutions
Painéis, Indicadores e

O sistema disponibiliza indicadores e a visão das equipes em tempo real em painéis e mapas, durante todo o ciclo de atendimento dos serviços agendados.​

Modulo Mobile Solutions

O módulo mobile elimina a necessidade da sua equipe externa de atender uma ordem de serviço com o uso de um papel ou planilha.

formularios 258x300 Solutions

O IClass FS entende as diferentes necessidades da operação de cada empresa, por isso os formulários das ordens de serviços são flexíveis e parametrizados.

Plano de Manutencao e Servicos Recorrentes Solutions

Plano de Manutenção e Serviços Recorrentes

Muitas operações necessitam de um software que gerencie planos de manutenção ou serviços recorrentes de forma realmente automática.

Controle de Estoque Ativos e Frotas Solutions
Controle de Estoque, 
Ativos e Frotas

O módulo de controle de estoque e inventário do IClass FS automatiza todo o  rastreamento do que está sendo instalado ou foi gasto pela equipe de campo.

roteirizador online Solutions

A nossa solução permite o agendamento de entregas de forma inteligente e traz para aos clientes uma visão online e gerencial de todas as entregas.

Inteligencia no Agendamento e Rotas Otimizadas Solutions

Inteligência no Agendamento e Rotas Otimizadas

Com a Inteligência no agendamento, o IClass FS exibe os profissionais qualificados para cada tarefa no momento do agendamento, de acordo com a função e a localização de cada técnico.

previsibilidade Solutions
de serviços

A avaliação entre a demanda de serviços e a força de trabalho disponível na empresa, é uma das maiores dificuldades da área operacional.

comunicacao com o cliente Solutions


 com o cliente

Com o IClass FS a comunicação com  cliente é aprimorada, resultando em serviços realizados com maior qualidade, além de proporcionar o aumento da satisfação dos clientes e sua consequente fidelização.

gestao de contratos Solutions

Gestão de contratos 


O IClass FS faz a gestão de contratos e SLA de atendimento com inteligência, através de escalonamento flexível de acordo com o tipo de serviço e áreas de atendimento.

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